Washington University in St Louis's Cybersecurity Club

Contact bearshell@wustl.edu for questions
About Us:
Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions are hacking competitions in which players compete to obtain “flags” by solving security based problems.
We aim to develop security skills through Capture the Flag competitions. These competitions offer challenges in a variety of topics, including pwn, reverse engineering, web security, forensics, cryptography, and more. As a club, we train for these competitions, working together to further everyone's security knowledge and introduce new members to the world of cybersecurity!
All skill levels are welcome. Through active participation, members will develop the necessary skills to succeed in competitions.
Checkout the starting out page for details on how to join and get started.
We host a weekly meeting on Fridays from 4:00 - 5:00 pm in Jubel 121. The time and location may vary by semester so check our Slack for up to date information. If you are WashU affiliated, join our Slack here:

CTF Competition Schedule:
We primarily compete in online jeopardy-style CTF competitions and aim to compete in one competition per month. Join the Slack to see more details on upcoming competitions.
Placement in past competitions can be found at ctftime.org. Check out challenge write-ups (and other resources) at our Github.
Spring '25 Leadership:
Caleb Huerta-Henry] -- Captain
Will Rosenberg] -- Captain
Ning Zhang] -- Faculty