B34R5HELL CTF Team Washington University in St Louis's Cybersecurity Club Contact bearshell@wustl.edu for questions |
About Us: |
Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions are hacking competitions in which players compete to obtain “flags” by solving security based problems. |
We aim to develop security skills through Capture the Flag competitions. These competitions offer challenges in a variety of topics, including pwn, reverse engineering, web security, forensics, cryptography, and more. As a club, we train for these competitions, working together to further everyone's security knowledge and introduce new members to the world of cybersecurity! |
All skill levels are welcome. Through active participation, members will develop the necessary skills to succeed in competitions. |
Checkout the starting out page for details on how to join and get started. |
Meetings: |
We host a weekly meeting on Fridays from 4:00 - 5:00 pm in Jubel
121. The time and location may vary by semester so check our Slack for up to date information. If you are WashU affiliated, join our Slack here: |
CTF Competition Schedule: |
We primarily compete in online jeopardy-style CTF competitions and aim to compete in one competition per month. Join the Slack to see more details on upcoming competitions. |
Placement in past competitions can be found at ctftime.org. Check out challenge write-ups (and other resources) at our Github. |
Spring '25 Leadership: |
Caleb Huerta-Henry] -- Captain
Will Rosenberg] -- Captain Ning Zhang] -- Faculty |